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Be brand-ready for the trans-Tasman bubble

A report by in 2019 found that across the US, UK and Australia the average person spent 10 hours researching their holiday. Expedia have reported that on average a person visits 38 sites before booking a holiday.

A report by in 2019 found that across the US, UK and Australia the average person spent 10 hours researching their holiday. Expedia have reported that on average a person visits 38 sites before booking a holiday.

In February of this year We Are Social reported that the average Aussie spent nearly 40 hours a week on the Internet and 1 in every 3 of those minutes was spent on social media. Youtube use was just ahead of Facebook as the lead social platform of choice with 47.5% of web traffic in Australia coming from mobile phones and 60% of Facebook users only accessing the network from the phone.

What are these stats telling you as we emerge from our homes here in New Zealand blinking into the winter sunlight? Well, whilst there’s already a lot of concern about when the trans Tasman bubble will open up and how it will be managed, sadly it’ll already be too late for a lot of businesses that aren’t researching, planning, preparing and wooing visitors right now.

So how do you get brand-ready for the trans-Tasman bubble? As a business professional it’s time for a full marketing and marketing communications audit.

Is your business ready? Are you talking to your customers here in NZ and Australia today as they research and plan? Already we’ve seen a surge in domestic travel related bookings as people seek to meet with family and friends and, let’s face it, just travel to see places closer to home as they have little choice with borders closed. After lockdown the desire to get out and experience our own country is totally understandable and this pent up demand is already paying off for those that were prepared. So how will you prepare for an influx of trans Tasman customers?

Your future Aussie customers are already researching where to go, what to do, where to stay. Their ability to choose when may be taken out of their hands but a large number know that when the doors open they are going to be rushing to get here with their research completed. Waiting to get your website updated and polished for your Australian fans once a date is announced is likely going to leave you scrambling to catch up.

What should you do as a business owner right now for be ready for the trans-Tasman bubble?

  • Comms and Channels – review your website and social platforms immediately – is your information up to date? Are you optimized for mobile customers? Is your tone relevant? Do you have copy, offers, images and ideas ready? Are your videos updated? What stories are they telling? Have you looked at what channels have worked for you? How do they alter with a domestic audience and that of our neighbours?
  • Brand – How did your brand compete in your marketplace previously? How does your brand show up with only a trans-Tasman audience and in light of COVID? Do you know your brand story and positioning? Do you know how you stack up against your competition?
  • Customer – Do you know how many of your customers came from Australia and New Zealand before COVID? Have you communicated with them specifically through lockdown? What offers are you working on specifically for these audiences? Do you know their demographics? How are they changing their approaches due to COVID? How will you compete for the customer – price? Availability? Experience? Targeted offers thought through for your new Australian customers? Where will these customers hear about you? Recommendation, media, advertising, social? Have you started talking to partners to create better approaches?
  • Do you know what’s needed to drive your business? – How much revenue do you need to make to keep the lights on through this period? How much would it take to cover the loss of other visitors to NZ who made up your business? What would it take to excel?

It’s a lot of work but it’s practical and being prepared is the only way to make sure you are in the running for when the trans-Tasman bubble opens up. We know we’re not anywhere near out of the woods yet when it comes to getting through this crisis but spending the time now will definitely give you the best chance to thrive and prosper later.

At Scope Media we are specialists in marketing communications audits and reviews working across a range of clients and businesses facing similar challenges to yours. Get in touch now and let’s have a conversation about helping you be ready for what comes next.

Written By Celia Crosbie
Celia is an award-winning former journalist who has worked and edited for major print and broadcast media in New Zealand and magazines in the United Kingdom. An Accredited Public Relations professional, Celia also specialises in communications and digital PR strategy, issues and reputation management and crisis communication.

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Scope Communications is a boutique marketing communications consultancy that specialises in digital PR. The consultancy helps brands gain visibility through the power of authentic storytelling, personal connections and digital insights. Scope Communications offers strategic communications, crisis communications and reputation management, community engagement and stakeholder relations, digital PR, media relations and media releases, editorial and special publications, website copywriting for SEO and digital advertising.